Doula Services


What is a Doula?

Doulas assist women and their partners through pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Toni offers four types of support:

⦁ Physical- Helping you through labor pains by offering nurturing touch, position techniques, & guided imagery to calm the nervous system and promote relaxation.

⦁ Emotional- Holding space for emotional and spiritual transformation. Empowering you to make decisions for yourself and to give birth in the way that feels appropriate for YOU.

⦁ Informational- Making sure that all evidence-based information is understood so that informed decisions can be made. Also having resources and referrals to other services in the area.

⦁ Advocational- Teaching you how to advocate for yourselves, but also being an advocate for your wishes.

  • Doulas are professional space holders

    Creating a peaceful, receptive, safe environment, while validating any emotions, feelings, words or choices.
    Birth is sacred, and a rite of passage.

    As a doula, I want to make sure you know how powerful and wise you really are.

  • The benefits of having a doula in your birth space

    is reported by birthing people to include an increase in positive birth experiences, a decrease in the risk of needing a Cesarean section, and less fear suroounding birth and feeling centered and grounded during all stages of birth. Read more here

    As your birth doula, I protect your birth space as it unfolds. You will feel empowered to take your birth into your own hands and feel confident as you bring your baby earth side. I will be present to bring normalcy, reduce fear surrounding birth, and offer solutions to manage the sensations of labor.

Postpartum Doula Care

As a postpartum doula, I provide emotional and physical support in your healing from childbirth, techniques for soothing your new baby, and helpful coping tools for your role as a new parent. My main role is to nurture the Mother by preparing easily digestible & nutritious meals, assisting with light housework, providing childcare for siblings, and providing a listening ear.

  • Postpartum Care Includes:

    ⦁ 1 Prenatal visit to your home to establish a postpartum "plan", and discuss how I can best I can support you and your family. Included in this visit is a postpartum pantry and wellness list (common herbs that assist with healing, body products, pantry and fridge items that I typically use when cooking)

    ⦁ Nutritious, easily digestible meals, snacks and beverages made in your home.

    ⦁ Yoni steaming herbs provided, herbal baths, warm oil

    ⦁ Light house keeping such as laundry, dishes, sweeping/vacuuming, cleaning surfaces and windows. You leave a list and I will accomplish the task, within reason.

    ⦁ Allowing you time and space to bond with your baby/emotional support

    ⦁ Lactation support

    ⦁ Baby care while you nap, shower, take time with your partner, or take a walk.

    ⦁ Pet care (walks, feedings)

    $45/hour or $35/hour for Birth Clients