
Gentle Yoga

Next session:
Fridays, October 25, Nov 1, 8, 15, 22
$70 for all 5 classes
$15 drop-in

This class is a place for you to arrive on your mat, slow down, and combine sweet gentle movements with the breath. I invite you to step away from your busy day and bring the attention inward. You may be led through a slow flow or find yourself settling into gentle poses for a longer duration. I will encourage you to listen to your body’s needs and respect its limitations. Although more challenging poses may be offered at times, modifications will be given to make the practice accessible to everyone.

Prenatal & Postnatal

All trimesters of pregnancy
and Moms post-pregnancy 6week+

Learn how to apply breathing, meditation and postures to empower and enhance your pregnancy, birth experience, and energetic body as a Mother.

Prenatal yoga helps to prepare expectant mothers for both the transformative birth experience and the postpartum period as well as encouraging a connection with your growing baby and other Mothers in our community.

These classes will help to build strength, body/mind connection, and length in the psoas muscles all specifically designed for the pregnant and postpartum woman. The practice will consist of breath-work and restorative poses providing both energy and relaxation.

Postpartum doesn't end when they tell you it does.
It doesn't end at the doctor's office or with being "cleared".
It doesn't end after six weeks or twelve or when your hair stops falling out or when the faint line on your stomach finally fades.
It doesn't end with weaning or solids, or first steps, or naps ending.
It doesn't end when the baby sleeps through the night and it doesn't end with daycare, preschool, homeschool or kindergarten. 
It doesn't end because postpartum is the beginning.



    -all props: mat, blocks, bolsters, eye pillows, blankets, straps...

    -are tailored to your state of pregnancy, working to increase body awareness, cultivate deep feminine wisdom and trust in your body.

    We will focus on alignment to help with optimal baby and labor positions. We will also work on the practice of meditation and mindful relaxation in safe restorative poses and postures.
    I'm here to listen so that I can help guide you in ways of letting go, really feeling your body and confident in it.

    $50/hour in studio
    $60/hour in home close to Geneva, NY


    Next session: TBD
    If you are interested in group Prenatal Yoga Classes, please click the button below.